100 Years Ago: Fish in Big Horn get booze for Christmas

Marlys Good

100 Years Ago

Dec. 26, 1924

We understand all the booze captured by Sheriff McMillan and his deputies out on Emblem bench something like a year ago was destroyed by federal officers and the sheriff Tuesday. Federal officers poured out the liquors so if the fish down the Big Horn act funny you may understand they have on their Christmas jag.

90 Years Ago

Dec. 20, 1934

Greybull merchants have experienced the best Christmas trade in four years. There remains three good shopping days before Christmas, which should bring the sales well above those of the past four years.

Buster Good and Earl Allen were at Brent Leavitt’s sheep camp where Frank St. Jermain is herding.

80 Years Ago

Dec. 28, 1944

B.J. VanWinkle has resigned his position as manager of the J.C. Penney store in Greybull.

Christmas Day was a happy occasion for three Greybull men now in the service way down there in the southwest Pacific.  Floyd Whipps, Jim Whipps, and Laverne Hamilton spent Christmas Day together.

Year-end clearance sale at Jack Lewis Store: ladies flannel slacks $3.95; men’s part-wool shirts and drawers $1.39, and men’s Mackinaws $7.95

70 Years Ago

Dec. 23, 1954

A big-footed burglar went to a lot of trouble for 60 cents when he broke into the Greybull High School building sometime Saturday night, Supt. J. C. Quigg reported.

Johnny Collingwood, 3-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Collingwood, entered as a medical patient Tuesday and was released Wednesday.

60 Years Ago

Dec 31, 1964

Mrs. Calvin Schultz of Greybull was dismissed from SBHC Hospital Monday after treatment for minor injuries suffered when her car was struck by the CB&Q passenger train at the cemetery road crossing Sunday noon.

They like skiing at Antelope Butte (Fun Valley).  A crowd of 175 skiers was on the slopes Sunday, the largest yet at the new winter sports area.  Saturday’s crowd was estimated at about 140.

50 years ago

Dec. 26, 1974

Greybull volunteer fireman responded to two alarms within the past week. The first call on Saturday was to a mobile home occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Andy Smith of Greybull. No damage resulted from this call.  The call on Saturday was to the Dan Brown Trucking property where burning oil scorched the paint on an old truck.

The Antelope Butte Ski Area east of Shell will open its 1974-75 season this coming Saturday with about a foot and a half of snow on the ski runs but with access roads open and the parking area plowed.
