100 Years Ago: Lions to honor town’s most popular lady
100 years ago
Feb. 1, 1924
Who is the most popular lady in Greybull? This is a question being asked many times since the Lions Club advertised the popularity contest to be staged at the benefit dance being given by the athletic committee of that organization Wednesday, Feb. 6 at the Grand Palace. Whoever the winner of the contest may be, she cannot help but be pleased, as she will have seven different articles to select from.
80 years ago
Feb. 4, 1944
The Greybull Recreation Center, closed last Saturday because of the President’s Ball, will be open this Saturday from 8 p.m. to 12 p.m.
Several boys, seniors in Greybull High School, returned from Cheyenne a few days ago where they passed physical and placement tests for induction into service. Those boys will be called after a period of 21 days. They include seniors William Kunkel, Glenn Roehrkasse, Harry Good and Irvin Davis, sophomore, who joined the Navy. Lee Bellamy, Lee Blakesley and Bruce Porter will enter the army.
60 years ago
Jan. 30, 1964
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Herren of Shell Route are the parents of a 3 lb., 10 oz. girl born Jan. 27.
Extensive remodeling is underway at the Locker Mart and Coffee Cup Cafe recently purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Marc Ogan of Buffalo. A new dining area is being constructed in the cafe which will be able to accommodate about 50 to 60 diners, Ogan said. The new dining room will be renamed “Hole In the Wall.” Artifacts are expected to be displayed in the room.
Fun Valley directors indicated Wednesday they would “go ahead with phase one construction” since the fund drive was so close to the $30,000 stock goal.
50 years ago
Jan. 31, 1974
Antelope Butte posted its largest crowd ever this weekend with skiing reported excellent on all slopes. Friday they had 91 skiers, Saturday 168 skiers and Sunday they had a crowd of 387.
Inflation hits schools! Greybull schools, like most schools in the state, is beginning to see the rapid use of their funds and, according to assistant Greybull schools superintendent Jim Martin, “The Greybull school system is beginning to hurt.”