100 Years Ago: Local hoopsters whip Lander
100 Years Ago
Jan. 23, 1925
An effort will be made by the legislatures of many states during the next few weeks to pass laws that will make the driving of an automobile by an intoxicated person more disagreeable then it was heretofore.
The Greybull High School basketball squad, accompanied by Superintendent E. M. Yates and Coach Simpson, journeyed to Lander Jan. 15 where they gave the Lander “five” a beating on their home court. The trip was made on the train. The team reached Lander at 7:25, and the game was called at 8:30.
90 Years Ago
Jan. 17, 1935
Floyd Ellison was ordained into the gospel ministry Sunday, Jan 13, at the Basin Baptist Church.
Mrs. P. L. Beach is confined to her home with a broken ankle.
80 Years Ago
Jan. 18, 1945
From the Excella Shop ad: “Midwinter savings on fine furs you want to wear now. Persians! Beavers! Squirrels! Muskrats! Name your favorite and you’ll find it here!”
70 Years Ago
Jan. 20, 1955
The Greybull Hydraulic Service is a new business in ton. Located in the former Daley Drug building, first door west of the First National bank, the new industry is operated by Ward (Skeet) King Jr. and Walker (Bud) Christensen.
Greybull’s music students now have a fine new place to rehearse, the new addition to the grade school buildings having been completed and accepted by the boards of school district 41 and high school district 1.
Melvin Christler, local pilot, was returning from Cody late Wednesday afternoon when he spotted a truck on fire on the highway about a mile west of the airport. Landing at the office building, he called the fire department, and he and Luther Edwards, station manager, drove back to the truck with a portable extinguisher.
60 Years Ago
Jan. 21, 1965
Brick work on four units of the new Yellowstone Motel addition have been completed and contractor Herb Asp has moved the canvas “tent” and framework back to do another four units.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hirsch announce the engagement of their daughter, Myrna, to Anthony De Somber of San Diego, Calif., son of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. DeSomber of Greybull. A spring wedding is planned.