70 Years Ago: Fat Men play Skinny Men in hoops
100 Years Ago
Jan. 23, 1925
From Shell notes: Mr. and Mrs. Coast have named their baby Howard William. Charlie Collingwood is giving a radio concert at the Shell store every Friday evening. Clarence Howe has a new radio.
90 Years Ago
Jan. 17, 1935
Floyd Ellison was ordained into the gospel ministry Sunday, Jan. 13 at the Basin Baptist Church.
Mrs. P. L. Beach is confined to her home with a broken ankle.
80 Years Ago
Jan. 18, 1945
Robert Corbin and Jimmy Clifton, two Greybull 4-H club members, are attending the 4-H club round-up at Denver in recognition of their outstanding club work.
Greybull faces a problem of finding rooming accommodations for the players during the Big Horn Basin basketball tournament to be held here early in March. Anyone having rooms to rent for the three-day event should call or see Supt. J. C. Quigg at once.
Sgt. John R. Engle, III, was reported missing Dec. 8 in a telegram from the war department received Dec. 20 by his mother. On Dec. 26 Mrs. Engle received another telegram, confirming the first wire and added that Sgt. Engle had been killed and that a letter of explanation would follow.
70 Years Ago
Jan. 20, 1955
The annual March of Dimes Fat Men vs. Skinny Men basketball game will be held Friday evening in Greybull at the high school gymnasium. Captains were announced today with Red Michaelis being named captain of the Fat Men and C.W. Core being named captain of the Skinny Men.
Brenton C. Leavitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Leavitt from Greybull, has accepted a position with the board of governors of the Federal Reserve System in Washington D. C.
60 Years Ago
Jan. 21, 1965
1964 was overwhelmingly a year for boy babies at SBHC Hospital. Of the 67 babies born, 42 were boys and 25 girls.
A wreck involving the personal car of Greybull policeman Lloyd Straight and a 1960 Chrysler owned and driven by William M. Groshelle of Greybull caused an estimated $400 damages last Thursday about 1:30 p.m.
Last year the news was about the January cold; this year it is about the “lack of.” With temperatures above 40 degrees, even the ice in the Big Horn river is giving in to the nice weather.
50 Years Ago
Jan. 23, 1975
District #3 (Greybull, Shell and Emblem) Wednesday morning had petitions on file in the office of County Clerk Ellen Cowan Whipps from John M. Good, Jack Kvale and F. L. Dunning for seats on the school board.
The Mountain Bell phone company today reported that Greybull continues to grow. Larry Royal, local Mountain Bell manager, added 149 phones locally. The utility now services 1,873 phones in the community.