80 YEARS AGO: Legion gathers waste paper to boost war effort

Marlys Good
Looking Back

100 years ago
April 24, 1924
OIL BOOM THAT FAILED-Had One Bad Day...Well, we had one wild day anyway and some folks say they feel better because of the excitement.
80 years ago
April 28, 1944
Under the supervision of the American Legion Post, a thorough waste paper collection campaign will begin at once. There has always been an urgent need for waste paper in the war industries and to boost the nation’s pulp supply.
Charles Warne invented a device to aid bomb sight maintenance and efficiency and received an award from the Federal Government of $250.
60 years ago
April 30, 1963
Thieves broke into Lloyd’s Super Service sometime early Tuesday morning, stealing about $35 in cash before leaving town in a truck belonging to the American Geo crew parked behind the station.
Kay Schutte, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Art Schutte, is the valedictorian of the GHS Class of 1964. Gilbert Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith of Shell, will be the salutatorian.
April came through with its usual wet spring snowstorm last weekend. A total of 15 inches fell on top the Big Horns. The storm dropped four inches of snow in Greybull.
50 years ago
April 25, 1974
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hawkins were honored on their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary Monday evening, with a party hosted by their three children.
Greybull school superintendent James Shereck announced all teacher’s contracts for next year have been signed and returned. Three new teachers are to be added for the coming year--a special education teacher, a chemistry and mathematics teacher to replace Miss Nellie Fletcher, who is retiring, and Mrs. Robert Bentley has been hired to fill a vacancy.
