80 Years Ago: Local man killed in action
100 years ago
June 27, 1924
Lige Green is opening a branch second-hand store in Cody which will be in the charge of Frank Rue. Jack Oliver took over two truckloads of goods for him this week.
The mailbox at the depot for which the Chamber of Commerce and Lions Club made a request of Sens. Warren and Kendrick, has been placed in position on the post at the north end of the depot and will prove a great convenience, not only to the local people but the traveling public.
90 years ago
June 28, 1934
F. W. Dunning was named president of the Greybull School Board at a meeting held this week. H.W. Buehner was named vice-president and W.J. Bush was named treasurer. H.E. Zorn was again named clerk.
Greybull defeated Basin Sunday for the second time this season, 16-6. Greybull was unable to count until the third. The locals scored nine, knocking their pitcher off the mound. Bolts was on the mound and Fletcher did the catching for Greybull.
80 years ago
June 29, 1944
Dwight Harvey and Clarence Walton have leased the former Litening Service Station and announced they will open their new business Saturday.
After 20 successful bombing missions over the European Theatre of war, First Lt. Edwin W. Gorder was killed in action May 8 on his 21st mission, according to word received from the war department by his mother, Mrs. Grace Gorder. She had received word May 21 that her son was missing in action.
A heavy freight powered by a large diesel locomotive passed through Greybull this forenoon going north. It was one of two such engines to be given tests on the Burlington line between Casper and Laurel. These engines are said to be twice as powerful as the steam engines.
70 years ago
July 1, 1954
Billy Clifton, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Clifton, was rushed to Billings Wednesday afternoon for treatment of polio. Larry Winzenried, 12, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winzenried, was also taken to Billings for treatment of polio.
60 years ago
July 2, 1964
An oil well drilled down to the Greybull sands was producing about five or six barrels Tuesday night on the John Tillard farm about two miles southeast of Greybull.
For the second consecutive year, the Greybull Standard was judged nationally as one of the top six in the 2,000 circulation newspapers in the nation. It also received a photography award.