80 Years Ago: Store owner awarded Legion of Merit

Marlys Good

100 Years Ago

Jan. 23, 1925

We understand C.H. Derby, who along with many others has been enjoying the skating at Athletic Park, had the misfortune to take a fall that required several stitches in his scalp.

The cars of C. R. Say and Guy Allen were in a mix-up at the corner of Second Avenue North and Sixth Street Sunday afternoon.  The cars were not put out of commission, but Mrs. Allen received some cuts on the head and face and required several stitches.

90 Years Ago

Jan. 24, 1935

A cut-away Oldsmobile chassis complete with motor will be on display at the Norris Chevrolet garage in a few days, Frank Norris was informed the other day.

Mrs. Abbie “Grandma” Latham passed away suddenly late this afternoon following a prolonged illness of many complications.  She was the mother of Payton Latham, Mrs. Clint Emmett, Mrs. Joe Carey and Mrs. George Haddenhorst.

80 Years Ago

Jan. 25, 1945

Miss Doris E. Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Anderson of Greybull, recently completed her training as a nurse and graduated from the Cook County School of Nursing in Chicago.  

Lieutenant Colonel Earl A. Madsen of Greybull, owner of the local Gamble store agency, recently was awarded the Legion of Merit for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services on the Fifth Army front in Italy.

70 Years Ago

Jan. 27, 1955

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leavitt have purchased the dairy farm of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Scurlock, 10 miles east of Greybull, it was reported here today. The Leavitts plan to sell their home in Greybull.

Frank Lawson, recently retired Burlington railroad engineer, was honored Friday evening at a surprise party at his home by a group of coworkers. He was presented with an automatic calendar wristwatch and cigars.

60 Years Ago

Jan. 29, 1965

Fire in the kitchen at the Norris Hotel was put out before Greybull firemen arrived Wednesday morning.  There was no damage.

It’s a postwoman as well as a postman now at the Greybull Post Office.  Mrs. J.R. Bristow will be a substitute mail carrier for the Greybull office, Postmaster Ted Anderson announced.

50 Years Ago

Jan. 23, 1975

Use of snowmobiles on Greybull streets and alleys is causing problems for motorists and pedestrians as well as for police, a city officer revealed Tuesday.  State law prohibits use of a snowmobile on city streets and on parking lots and a Greybull city ordinance sets up the same prohibition.

George Scurlock, who gathered up and sold enough old newspapers in 1974 to furnish a room at the South Big Horn County Hospital, announced the early part of the week that he will resume picking up old newspapers — this time to serve a different cause.  The current effort will be to aid the Greybull High School band fund, still short of its goal.






