90 Years Ago: Shell Hall hosts its first dance
100 years ago
April 18, 1924
The Standard received a telephone call Wednesday from County Commissioner Olney that a contract had been let for the removal of the west wooden bridge from the Big Horn River to the edge of the new steel section that has just been completed.
90 years ago
April 19, 1934
The first dance in the Shell Community Hall will be held Saturday, April 21. Harry Lee is making the arrangements for this initial dance. Lee promises good music and a good time for everyone attending. A lunch will be served at midnight. All proceeds will go to the community hall.
80 years ago
April 20, 1944
Political activities will begin to buzz a month earlier than usual in Wyoming this year as a result of the passage of the soldier vote measure by the state legislature. A bill, signed Monday at a special session of the 27th legislature and signed by Gov. Lester C. Hunt, provides that primary elections shall be held Tuesday after the third Monday in August.
Frances Olson, who has the highest four-year average for this year’s senior class, will be the valedictorian.
Ed Hamilton, who said he was Greybull’s first merchant, came back last week and found conditions greatly changed. It was back in 1906 he arrived, and he left in 1910, and he said there was little if nothing he could point to as landmarks of those days.
60 years ago
April 23, 1964
A chicken house shed and 10 tons of hay were destroyed in a fire at the Horace English property south of Basin Thursday morning. The place is occupied by the Reuben Gonzales family. Burning weeds along an irrigation ditch is blamed for the fire.
Aaron Allen pleaded guilty to leaving the carcasses of three sheep in the borrow pit at the South Big Horn County Airport and was fined $50 and costs.
Terry Overgaag, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.J. Overgaag, and Judy Williamson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williamson, performed with the Casper Civic Symphony in a concert in Casper Sunday.
50 years ago
April 16, 1974
Plans have been arranged to run free busses at two-hour intervals from the Greybull Chamber of Commerce office to the Big Horn Hospital May 16 for the vote on the bond issue.
A new system has been instituted at Greybull High School known as honor cards. According to Principal Robert Jahns, the cards would take the place of the ground pass.