90 Years Ago: Wyoming voters repeal dry law by 5,000 votes

Marlys Good

100 years ago

Nov. 16, 1924

The Big Horn Co-Operative Marketing Association finished up Tuesday of this week what was probably the largest dressed turkey delivery ever made at one at one time in the west.  Approximately 125,000 pounds of dry picked turkeys were delivered to Swift & Co.

Nine overcoats belonging to men and boys of this city were stolen during the dance at Agricultural Hall last Friday evening. So far, only three have been returned.

90 years ago

Nov. 15, 1934

The renovated Elks Temple here will be dedicated at fitting services Saturday evening.  The dedication committee reports that preparations have been completed and everything is in readiness.

Wyoming voters repealed the dry law in this state by their ballots Nov. 6.  The repeal carried by a margin of approximately 5,000 votes.

The state highway department has complied with an appeal from the local Lions Club to gravel and asphalt the viaduct south of town for winter driving.

80 years ago

Nov. 16, 1944

A couple of oil field workers from Elk Basin breezed into Greybull a week ago Wednesday evidently intent upon painting the town red.  Without excusable provocation, they attacked Fred Mobley, a well-known Burlington rancher, and then left town.

Pvt. Pat Tomlinson will leave tomorrow for Camp Meade, Md., a replacement camp, after spending a 10-day delay in transit with his wife and sons, Pat and Mike.  Pvt. Tomlinson has been stationed at Fort McClellan, Ala.

60 years ago

Nov. 19, 1964

Men!  If you didn’t get your deer this year or were looking for a trophy head and had to settle for a spike, think of the five- and six-point bucks Esther Lindsey and Faye Collingwood knocked down this year.

Bruce Kennedy has been elected chairman of the Wyoming Travel Commission in a reorganization of the board Friday in Cheyenne.
