Arts Guild to host annual Quick Draw, Live Auction

The Big Horn County Arts Guild will host its third annual Quick Draw and Arts Festival on Saturday, June 8, as part of the Greybull’s Days of ’49 celebrations.
Hosted inside Bob’s Diner, the quick draw will commence at 5 p.m. sharp. Participating artists will have one hour to complete a piece from scratch or finish a current work-in-progress. Following this, artwork will be framed and hung, and guests will have the opportunity to view the pieces on display. A live auction will begin at 6:30.
Wine, beer, and snacks will be available to attendees.
Bob’s Diner is located at 509 Greybull Avenue. Additional artwork will be on view on the sidewalk at 513 Greybull Avenue. For more information, please visit the Big Horn County Art Guild’s social media pages or website at
