Book Group meetings to resume this month
With the holidays behind us, we are starting up our Book Group again at the Greybull Public Library. This month we are reading the book, “Orphan Train,” by Christina Baker Kline. We will resume our discussion group this month Wednesday, Jan. 29 at 5 p.m. in the library.
This month we are starting up a new Young Adult Book Group. We’ll be reading books within the Young Adult category, but all ages teen and up are welcome to participate. The book for this month is, “The Inheritance Games” by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. The discussion for this book will be the third Wednesday in February on the 19th at 5 p.m. in the library.
More information on both books can be found on our web page and on Facebook. Copies for both books can be picked up at the circulation desk in the Greybull Public Library.
If you are tired of streaming reruns, come in and grab a few books to enjoy while you’re waiting for the season to resume with new episodes! We also have movies available for checkout as well as puzzles that make a terrific indoor activity while your hanging out inside trying to stay warm through these chilly winter months. We usually have a puzzle going on a table here in the library. If you’re looking for something to do and a warm place to spend a few hours, come in and put a few pieces together. When they are completed, we usually post them on our Facebook page.
Don’t forget, we have Storytime for your little ones weekly on Thursdays at 11 a.m. Hope to see you soon!
(Evelyn Watkins manages the Greybull Public Library.)