
TCT support sessions are now by appointment only
The Greybull Public Library has announced a schedule change for the technical support sessions offered by TCT.
The telecommunications company will still send a support specialist to the library on the first Wednesday of each month, but it will be by appointment only.
If you are needing help with one of your technical devices, you can set up an appointment to meet with a TCT IT support specialist at the library by going to The TCT IT support specialists will only be coming on days they have someone signed up to meet with.
“They have been very generous in coming in and helping patrons with their technical needs at no cost, but there are days when we don’t have anyone needing help,” said branch manager Evelyn Watkins. “In changing to a sign-up schedule, they can make better use of the time they are donating to our community.” For more info, call the library, 765-2551.   


Easter egg hunt Sunday in park
The Greybull Elks Lodge and American Legion Post 32 will host an Easter egg hunt Sunday, March 31 in the park.  Kids up to 4 will go first at 2 p.m., followed by those 5 to 7 at 2:15 p.m. and those 8 to 11 at 2:30 p.m.  
Participants will have a chance to win prizes.  
Two free bicycles and six Easter baskets will be given away in each age group to kids who find the eight golden eggs.

Simoneaus welcome daughter
 Zachary and Rebecca Simoneau of Powell welcomed a daughter, Adelaide Rae, at 2:37 p.m. on March 19, 2024 at Powell Valley Healthcare.  Adelaide weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces and measured 20 inches in length.

