Chamber to reward top home decorators

The Greybull Area Chamber of Commerce has announced plans for its Holiday Yard Decorating Contest.

The intent of the contest is to encourage as many as possible to show their holiday cheer by decorating their homes. The chamber will award $350 in cash to the top three finishers, with $200 going to the winner, $100 for second place and $50 for third place.  

Judging will take place between 5 and 9 p.m. on the evenings of Saturday, Dec. 14 through Thursday, Dec. 19 

The contest is only open to homes within the Greybull town limits.  If you’d like to enter your home in the contest, you must enter it for consideration. To do so, call Town Hall, 765-9431, by no later than Friday, Dec. 13.

For more information about the contest, contact Sherri Wilkinson, at (307)) 765-4419 or (307) 899-4358.
