Commission mulls fees for outdoor arena use
At the Dec. 2 fair board meeting and again at the county commissioner’s meeting on Dec. 3, concerns were expressed about a fee for using the outdoor arena.
The commissioners made it clear there was never an intention to charge members of the public for using the outdoor arena unless they are running a business (e.g. charging students for riding lessons) or holding an event (e.g. a birthday party).
The indoor arena, meanwhile, is a different story. A yearly membership is $900 for a family and includes access to the outdoor arena for business activity. In the case of an event, the event will take precedence over member access. If an arena is rented for an event like roping, bull riding, etc., the event holder has exclusive rights of use on the days and times they have paid for. Both the fair board and commission came to that same conclusion.
James Morgan addressed both the fair board and commission to express concerned about the county charging the general public for outdoor arena usage. He explained he had spoken to the new fair manager Catherine Foss on Tuesday the week prior, and “She brought to my attention that they were just have one membership straight across the board [for the] indoor-outdoor arena. That’s the way I understand it.”
He continued, saying he strongly disagrees with the county potentially charging for the access to the outdoor arena. Morgan explained that he had done research and could not find another county outdoor arena statewide charging for outdoor arena access. He noted that understands charging for the indoor arena because of its upkeep costs. In response, Foss pointed out that the other outdoor arenas Morgan is referring to are not groomed except at fair time. Big Horn County, meanwhile, grooms its arena year-round.
Another point Morgan made against charging was that it could have a negative impact on the fair’s horse program. His wife Shannon is the fair horse superintendent. He stated that there is less and less participation. He also expressed concerned about families that are scraping by financially, who would not be able to afford the $900 annual membership.
Morgan told the board he felt the conversation with Foss was confrontational. He also felt it was a set-up because Commissioner Deb Craft was there as well. Craft responded that she had no idea he was coming and said she had been there to discuss payroll with Foss.
Morgan addressed a claim Foss made in their conversation, in which he had been told he had kicked people out of the arena so he could use it. Morgan told the board that he has never told anyone they could not ride in the arena when he is in it.
He further responded to the charge that he is running a business through his use of the arena, calling that accusation untrue as well. Morgan said he hasn’t rode outside horses for 7-8 years. He has not given lessons nor has he accepted money.
“Cash (the county’s former fair manager) and I had some deals, which I will bring up at commissioner’s tomorrow. According to him, he said there was at least one commissioner was aware of it. There was over $6,000 in trade reported to the commission. He gave Shannon and I membership, as did Sheila (Paumer) when she was here, for the indoor arena. I have no problem paying that membership for the indoor arena. If I want to use it, I will pay that membership. If the commissioners are like, that was between you and Cash, we don’t know anything about it.”
Foss claimed she never found a contract for Morgan’s membership and access to the indoor arena. As a result, Morgan’s indoor membership access card was turned off without notification. He told the board he felt singled out.
Fair Board member Kelli Mercer told Morgan, “There is a little gray matter between that facility and the fair board and the commissioners. Catherine was instructed to turn the card off by the county.”
Additional audience members present supported Morgan and his concerns at the fair board meeting. Alison and Melia McClure both spoke in support for Morgan, saying they have never seen him charge for his services. They also said they have never seen any problems with Morgan and other people using the arenas.
Fair board members Kelli Mercer, Becky Bates and Luke Foss said they would be willing to sit down with Morgan and the commissioners to address the concerns. Bates suggested Morgan bring the information he had gathered about other outdoor arenas not charging, which would help the board understand his position in more detail.
The following day Morgan brought his same concerns to the county commissioners. With him was Alison McClure.
He reiterated his prior statement, saying that if he returns to breaking horses as a business, he has no problem paying the membership fee.
Foss again said she couldn’t find a paper trail; this is one of the reason the questions came up. She continued that people that were coming in to renew their membership were asking why they had to pay a membership when other people are allowed to use the indoor arena “for helping.”
Commissioner Chair Bruce Jolley said the commissioners were also unaware of a deal for the Morgan’s use of the arena.
He added that it brings up the question of how many similar deals are out there.
“We hired Catherine to monitor that and take care of that stuff,” he said. “That is part of our expectations for Catherine.”
Commissioner Craft restated from the fair board meeting that Morgan would meet with the board and Catherine to give feedback and work on ideas about possible usage and charges. Once complete, the suggestions will be brought to the commissioners, who will make the final decision.