Drinking from the Springs of Living Water
Jesus performed his first miracle at the marriage at Cana in Galilee. His mother asked him to help the couple who had run out of wine for their guests. Jesus told her it wasn’t yet time for him to begin his ministry but he did as she asked and the servants did as he directed. They filled six waterpots with water. When they drew out a portion and gave it to the wine steward of the wedding, he remarked that most people give out the best wine at the beginning and leave the lesser wines for the time when the drinkers have well drunk and don’t recognize how delicious the wine is.
Reminds me of the Samaritan woman of whom Jesus asked a drink at Jacob’s well (John 4:10 – 12). Jesus said, if you knew who was asking you for a drink, you would have asked me for a drink and I would have given you living water. The water in the well was like the water in the waterpots. It would quench your thirst but it was not living water that would bubble up inside her unto eternal life. That would take living water.
In every respect Jesus took the water of the word. (Ephesians 5:26) and the holy spirit changed it to living water. The scribes and pharisees understood the water of the word when they were baptized as they passed through the Red Sea on dry land. They understand the water that flowed from the Rock when Moses in obedience to God’s command struck the Rock and water flowed. You have heard it said, thou shalt not kill or commit adultery or make promises you can’t keep, but I say unto you . . .if you meditate on your hatred of someone, or your lustful desires to have a sexual encounter with someone not your spouse or how you could make a promise and break it, you have already begun walking the road to sin and death. (Matthew 5: 21 – 37)
H2O becomes living water when moved upon by the Holy Spirit. Remember Genesis 1:1? The Spirit of God hovered, like a mother hen over her eggs, over the waters of the deep until God spoke the Word: Let there be light.
When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, the disciples were so changed by the Holy Spirit people accused them of being drunk (Acts 2:13) when they spoke and preached the gospel. The Lord filled their hearts with living water (John 7:37 – 38)
Water alone like law without mercy, may produce fear and ultimately death.
Water acted upon by the Holy Spirit brings new life.
Everyday activities infused by the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit enhances appreciation and joy. The love of God ministered by the life-giving Holy Spirit brings wisdom and new understandings to difficult situations like unforgiveness (1 Corinthians 15:45 – 48)
He is the vine and we are the branches. Our fruit like grapes is crushed and sifted, Our fruit (Galatians 5:22 – 23) is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control against which there is no law. Our fruit greases the gears of interpersonal relationships.
The difference between water and living water is the difference between seeing things from a worldly point of view and seeing circumstances from a spiritual perspective. Or, the difference between knowledge and wisdom.
(Cathy Bayert is pastor of Greybull First Baptist Church.)