Fabrication shop opens in Basin
Weldco Fabrication, LLC, is open and ready for your business. Owner Weldon Koehn says they do repair, welding, machining and manufacturing.
The building is located at 215 S. Fourth St. The door to access the business is in the alley off A Street. His nephew Trent Koehn is working with him as well as operating a business at the location as well.
Koehn said they are taking on large and small projects of all types. They will work with any metal. Recently they repaired a little piece off an exhaust manifold for a vehicle repair shop in town.
Welding has been a big part of his life. “Growing up farming we did our own repair work,” he said. “We built some of our own equipment.”
His dad always enjoyed machining, so they always had a lathe and a milling machine. The lathe in the shop was built in July 1941.
When my dad bought it, he bought it from a used machine dealer. It had only been used in a high school shop class. It was never used for production. It is in great shape.”
He has always enjoyed doing this type of work. Koehn also worked in the irrigation field doing parts and service for five years. He brings that experience to the shop.
“One of the products we have is irrigation filters. In this area they are largely used on pivots but may be used with other irrigation systems as well.” The filter is a pressure one, so it goes on the pressure side of a pump. Inside the filter is a perforated, stainless-steel screen. Debris is caught so only water goes through. There is a flush-out value on the screen so the debris may be flushed out. The screen is easily removed for cleaning or replacement.
While there are other companies that build filters, their lead times to get the filters is long. Weldco can turn them around quickly. They can also repair or build screens.
They use is computer aided design for 3D modeling.
He can put in different parameters to design custom projects.
The phone number for Weldco is 307-272-0678. Drop ins are welcome and they have a Facebook page, too.