G&F says checking your CWD test results is easy
CHEYENNE - Hunters who had tissue samples collected from their deer, elk or moose this hunting season for chronic wasting disease testing can easily check the results on the Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s website.
Results from the Game and Fish Wildlife Health Lab are typically available within three weeks.
Hunters can check their CWD results by visiting the Game and Fish veterinary services webpage and logging into their user account.
“Game and Fish appreciates all hunters who submit samples. Hunters play a critical role in helping Game and Fish understand the disease and achieve CWD monitoring goals,” said Craig Smith, deputy chief of the Wildlife Division.
If CWD is detected in the sample provided, hunters may dispose of the meat without violating any laws concerning the waste of game meat. The CWD report, available to print from the Game and Fish account, will give permission to dispose of the meat. Meat should be properly disposed of in an approved municipal landfill.