Greybull FFA member competes in National FFA Agriscience Fair

More than 70,000 attendees from across the United States recently attended the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis to determine what FFA members and teams will compete for top honors in the 2023 National FFA Agriscience Fair.
Riley Thomas of the Greybull FFA Chapter in Greybull, WY, has placed eighth overall in the nation as finalist this year in the Environmental Natural Resources category in the DIVISION 5 of the competition.
The National FFA Agriscience Fair was part of the annual National FFA Convention & Expo, Nov. 1-4, 2023, in Indianapolis. To qualify, FFA members working as individuals or teams in grades seven through 12 are required to conduct a scientific research project pertaining to the agriculture or food science industries and win their state’s FFA agriscience fair.
Individuals or teams compete in one of six categories – animal systems; environmental services/natural resource systems; food products and processing systems; plant systems; power, structural and technical systems; or social science – in six divisions – individuals in grades 7-8, teams grades 7-8, individuals grades 9-10, teams grades 9-10, individuals in grades 11-12, and teams grades 11-12.

