Healthy Thoughts Skin care and checks

Rain Potter

As the weather warms up and we are outside more, it is important to remember to take the time to care for our skin. What are some good ways to do this? Well, make sure you are hydrating well. Your skin is an organ that needs water to function properly, just like the other organs of the body. Additionally, don’t forget the sunscreen. Of course, sunscreen is important in the winter when you are outside, but in the summer, we tend to be outside longer with more exposed skin. Remember that sunscreen is NOT a one and done but needs to be reapplied throughout the day. A good hydrating cream or lotion can also help your skin retain moisture and stay intact and maintain protection.
Doing regular skin checks is also extremely important. Skin checks ideally should be done monthly, or more often as you are able. What does one look for with a skin check? Start with the ABCDE’s of skin lesions. When we are concerned about a mole or lesion on the skin, we look at its features:
A for Asymmetrical – If you were to fold the lesion in half, would the sides match up?
B for Borders – Are the borders smooth or irregular?
C for Color – Is it a uniform color? Is it significantly different colored than others like it?
D for Diameter – Is the diameter greater than the end of a pencil eraser?
E for Evolution – Has it changed size or color recently?
If you answer yes to two or more of these questions, you should check in with your primary care provider or your dermatologist. Don’t forget to have a family member or friend check your back, or other areas that are hard for you to see.  
Of course, if you have any skin lesions that are painful, oozing or otherwise make you worried, you should have your health provider take a look.  If skin conditions are accompanied by a fever, you should be seen immediately by a health provider. Remember with skin, prevention goes a long way!
(Rain Potter is a family nurse practitioner at Three Rivers Health.)

