Help others through giving programs
With an interest in spreading holiday cheer, several local businesses and organizations have begun spreading awareness of giving programs that will benefit veterans, senior citizens and families that are struggling to make ends meet.
Here’s a rundown:
Wiseman’s Star Tree
The Community Outreach Thrift Shop in Greybull is once again sponsoring its annual giving program for children from infancy to age 17.
Those who wish to help spread holiday cheer can stop by the store and pick a star to sponsor from The Star Tree of Giving. Each star includes the sex and age of the child, along with clothing needs and sizes and additional gift suggestions.
Sponsors are asked to please gift new items for the children to open on Christmas. Bring your gift items, unwrapped with the star, to the thrift shop by Dec. 17.
Alice Williams, thrift shop manager, said the shop will continue accepting applications for children in need of a “star” until the end of this week. Parents can stop in or call the thrift shop for particulars at (307) 765-4409.
As for the food pantry, Williams said, “it’s pretty well stocked, but this time of year, it goes down pretty fast. We recently had the donations from the school which helped a lot because the pantry is getting used pretty heavily.”
Angel Tree
The Bank of Greybull sponsors an Angel Tree every December for the residents of the Wyoming Retirement Center. If you want to share the spirit of the season, go into the bank and look for the Angel Tree binder. It includes information about whether the recipient is male or female and a list of items on his or her Christmas list. Select a name, buy a gift(s) and return it to the Bank of Greybull, wrapped or unwrapped, by Dec. 13. As of Monday, 10 of the residents’ wish lists had not been claimed.
Veterans Programs
The Greybull Elks Lodge has a giving program that benefits patients at the Sheridan VA Medical Center. Topping the list of needed items this year are toiletries, socks, blankets, sweatpants, puzzle books and reading material. Items can be taken to Rams Head Insurance during normal business hours until Dec. 17, when the gifts will be delivered. The Elks are also collecting gift items for the residents of the Wyoming Retirement Center. For more information about these programs, contact Sherri Wilkinson at (307) 765-4419 or (307) 899-4358.
Christmas Baskets
The Greybull Elks are also coordinating the Christmas baskets program this year to help families in need. Last year, the program benefited 20 families. For this year, an account has been established at Big Horn Federal for people who wish to donate. The Elks are taking names of families through Dec. 18; the only stipulation is that they must reside within town limits. Baskets will be delivered Dec. 23. For more information, contact Sherri Wilkinson at (307) 765-4419 or (307) 899-4358.
Basin Food Pantry
A ham drive is planned for Wednesday, Dec. 18 at 5 p.m. Come to the back door of the chamber. Hams sized for families of four are preferred.
To participate in the Adopt a Christmas Basket program, bags with a shopping list can be picked up at Security State Bank in Basin. Filled bags can be returned to either the bank or the Basin Area Chamber by Dec. 19. Baskets will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis to those needing food Dec. 21 between 9 - 10 a.m.
Toys for Tots
Another popular giving program is Toys for Tots. A bin has been placed at Big Horn Federal for anyone wishing to drop off unwrapped new toys for children.