Hyattville to host Cowboy Carnival Sunday
Load up and head to Hyattville Sunday for the 20th annual Cowboy Carnival. Bring your lawn chair and spend the day.
Organizer Mary Hyatt Burns said two special events are back this year. Todd Jones’ “packing demonstration” will include a few basic knots, finding gear and selection of animal. You will get some actual hands-on experience. It starts at 10 a.m.
Also back this year is music by Liam and Layne Jordan. The twins are from Hyattville and recently recorded an album. They play a mix of folk, country, alternative and classic rock, along with original music. They play from noon to 2 p.m.
Also returning are favorites such as Chauncey McMillion Memorial Sheep Dog Trails, quilt show, historic displays, photo contest, kids activities, a ranch BBQ meal, homemade pies and ice cream.
If time allows, there will be a demonstration after the dog trails on how to train your dog. The trails are a jackpot competition. The historic display this year is themed “Cattle Trail to Wyoming.” It includes local rancher’s cattle and sheep trail to summer mountain ranges, as well as to the railroad for shipment to cattle markets.
“My Worming” is the theme for the photo contest. It will feature the writing of Helen S. Turner.
Kids events run throughout the day. Burns said “These change from year to year, but it is how we make sure to put the family into whole family fun.”
Registration for the 5K and Kids K starts at 9 a.m. The adult run/walk starts at 10 a.m. The Kids K starts at 11 a.m. Also starting at 10 a.m. is a sharpshooter contest at the old air strip south of town.
A new event this year is demonstrations of “Basin Colt Training” at 11 a.m. It is a demonstration done by Cherokee Jackson of Worland. Learn about basic equipment and initial steps in training a colt.
A full schedule of events with times is available at or on the Hyattville Community Center Facebook page. Tickets are $15 for adults, $5 for kids 12 and under or $35 for immediate family. The price includes entry, lunch and raffle tickets.