Incumbents among early office seekers
The filing period for candidates seeking town council, county commission and state legislative seats opened on May 16.
In the early going, it’s the incumbents who are accounting for all of the filing activity.
Mayor Myles Foley has filed for re-election to another two-year term in Greybull.
Two four-year terms on the council are also up for election this year. Incumbent Gerald Crist has filed for re-election. Chris Dooley, the other council member whose term ends this year, had not as of Tuesday morning.
For House District 26, Rep. Dalton Banks, R-Cowley, has filed for re-election.
The only county seat of note on this year’s ballot is a four-year term on the county commission.
Bruce Jolley of Lovell, the current holder of the seat, was the only filer as of Tuesday at noon.
The filing period closes at 5 p.m. Friday, May 31.