Letter to the Editor: Town’s new buffer ordinance bears watching
Dear editor:
The Buffer, an ordinance that affects everyone within 1/2 mile of the boundaries of the Town of Greybull, was read on Monday, Feb. 12 for the first of three readings before becoming law. Technically, all three readings could be accomplished within 30 days. There must be 10 days between readings. Activities on any property within the 1/2 mile, new jurisdiction (N,S,E,W) will be subject to the discretion of the mayor of the Town of Greybull.
It was said that there is nothing anticipated, but it could protect the town from a smelly operation like a feedlot or slaughterhouse. The number of livestock per acre can also be regulated.
On the third reading, a new jurisdiction will be created without the vote of the people, Since a reading is not published and is not read only an ordinance title presented and could be voted on without any knowledge of what it contains. This doesn’t seem transparent.
Ordinance 891: The first reading was Feb. 12. The second is March 11. The third and final reading will be April 8.
This ordinance affects the rights of property owners for miles around Greybull. Anyone interested should probably attend the next Council meetings. Whether for good or bad, this big of and issue affecting many people should be up for discussion.
Walt Rivers