Local class offers help to prevent diabetes

Stephanie Tolman

Three years ago, Greybull resident Tenika Eardley saw a growing need in the community and found a way to address it by offering a class focused on preventing diabetes. 

According to the CDC website, “the National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP) was created in 2010 to address the increasing burden of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes in the United States.”

Eardley, who is a registered dietician, started her experiences with the DPP class by getting trained and assisting with a class offered in Cody. “I loved the program and wanted to make the class more accessible locally by offering the class in Greybull, where travel was less of a barrier,” she said.

The year-long class focuses on achieving habits of physical activity, healthy eating, stress management, good sleep patterns and more that can contribute to an overall healthier lifestyle. 

“The class offers long-term support to people who are looking to make positive lifestyle changes. The goals of the class are to achieve 5-7% weight loss in the first six months. This is a very affordable way to join a group and work toward that goal. People who have been told they have prediabetes will greatly reduce their risk of developing diabetes as well as other chronic health conditions. Making these lifestyle changes not only improves health outcomes, it also decreases healthcare costs.

“Our program is led by certified lifestyle coaches who also hold other relevant credentials, including two registered dietitians, two nurses and a teacher. Each of them brings unique leadership and mentorship to participants in the program. It is a privilege to work with them and have them as a part of this team. I also love and benefit from the class. Meeting with a group, setting goals and taking action on a regular basis really helps to build and solidify habits and lifestyle changes,” said Eardley. 

A previous class participant shared, “The DPP class, in my opinion, would benefit so many people, not just those at risk for diabetes. We all benefit from not just the information from the textbook but also the support from each other. We made some amazing memories, while bettering our health and building a stronger, healthier community. I recommend this class to everyone.”

Another said, “You ladies have made an impact on how I look at food and exercise. Your knowledge and teaching brought it all to the forefront.”

The next class is scheduled for a start date Feb. 4. It will be the fourth cohort of this program in Greybull. Those at risk for developing prediabetes or who have been diagnosed as prediabetic can qualify for the class. 

“I have not yet turned anyone away from the class, but technically there are specific criteria for people who are at risk,” Eardley said. “These risk factors include: family history of type 2 diabetes, history of gestational diabetes if applicable, high blood pressure, high BMI, low physical activity level and the risk also increases with age. Participants must also be over 18.” 

For more information on the class, please contact Eardley at bighornnutrition.com or at 307-679-4639. 


