Looking Back: 90 Years Ago: Legion plans Thanksgiving night dance

100 years ago
Nov. 23, 1923

The contract for the fill of the west bank of the Big Horn River for the new bridge contracted by the county commissioners was awarded last Saturday to Stanfield  & Alderdice. We understand the  bids ranged from 18 cents to 80 cents per yard. The estimate was that it would require 4,000 yards of dirt to make the fill.
Thursday next is Thanksgiving day so that next Friday and Saturday most families will subsist on turkey hash.
90 years ago
Nov. 23, 1933   

Wrestler Webb Douglass of Greybull will headline the fight card at Basin on the 29th, arranged by Mike Collins, when he battles with Al Goldsby of Cody for the lightweight wrestling title of Wyoming.
A Thanksgiving dance will be given Thursday night, Nov. 30, at the Grand Dance Palace under the auspices of the Greybull Post of the American Legion. All proceeds of the dance will go to the disabled veterans at the hospital in Sheridan. Come early and stay late, say the Legionaires.
80 years ago
Nov. 27, 1943

To make it easier to handle the freight from trucks into the basement and then from the basement into the display floor, the Sawyer Store here has just installed an elevator in the rear of the building. The elevator will save a lot of heavy listing, Robert Co Colnex, the manager, said.  It was installed by Fred Asp and Earl Clifton.
“There are no greener pastures anywhere than right here, and don’t let anyone kid you about that,” was the statement  made by Wayne Richie, who is here from Aruba, off the coast of Venezuela, South America, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bluejacket. Richie was an employee with Mr. Bluejacket until the latter retired a few months ago and came to Greybull to make his home.
70 years ago
Nov. 26, 1953

Mr. and Mrs. S. Gordon Hall, formerly of Cody, announced this week that they will open their Hall’s Kitchen Saturday morning in the building formerly occupied by Brown’s Kitchen. They plan to be open every day every day except Tuesdays.
The fund drive for continuing operation of the Greybull hospital is progressing  nicely, according to Green Simpson, overall chairman of the drive.  “Organizations opened their purses  to see that the Greybull hospital will remain open.” He said to date, $1,993.79 has been collected.
60 years ago
Nov. 21, 1963

Old units of the Greybull Motel were moved back to make room for  five new units this week. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Simon said that they plan to add new units this fall, weather permitting.   
“Finders, Creepers,” a three-act mystery comedy, will be presented by the junior class of Greybull High School Friday at 9 p.m. at the high school auditorium. Those in the cast  include Dan McAdams, Pete Schutte, Bill Shelledy, Linda Snell, Jim Lowe, Edith Reilly, Rick Baugh, Vonnie Collingwood, Mike Zednick, Kathy Shores, Terry Kelly, Lorene Allen and Dale Chapman. James Golden is the director.
50 years ago
Nov. 22. 1973

Skiing will not begin on Thanksgiving weekend at Antelope Butte due to the lack of snow. According to Ken Anderson, area manager,  even if snow came  before this  weekend, there wouldn’t  be time enough to pack it and  let it set up.

