Mother Nature wreaks havoc from coast to coast
Hurricanes, snowstorms, fires. We’ve seen a little of every kind of weather you can think of in the past four or five weeks.
But don’t tell me it’s all about climate change. I prefer to think of it as what has been occurring for centuries. We are just more aware of it now.
You can’t control Mother Nature. You can try, but it won’t work. Better we prepare for it, plan for it and be ready for it. That doesn’t mean we can escape the consequences, but being prepared is the best way to cope.
My heart goes out to those in the Carolinas and Virginia who are still suffering from the two hurricanes that swept through mountains and valleys alike. For those still seeking warm shelter; those still lacking water, electricity.
For those in California, my heart cries for the multitude of families losing all they possess in the swift-moving flames that ate up whole neighborhoods. We can sympathize, but we cannot know the heartache they are going through. It boggles the mind to think of entire townships going up in flames — just like it was hard to think of the hurricanes washing out everything that came their paths.
But it’s a new day dawning. May 2025 bring in better days, calm after chaos. May we be kinder to each other - always mindful of “there but for the grace of God go I.”
Yes, my Christmas tree still stands in front of the patio doors, but I have stopped asking Alexa to play Christmas carols. And I don’t turn the Christmas lights on.
I’m waiting for someone big and strong to come along and pick the tree up, decorations and all, and carry it down to the basement where it has a designated spot to stand until next December. Sure does save on decorating, and is much quicker than taking the decorations off and storing them away.
Basketball games in full swing and conference games will soon take the place of the tournaments.
Good luck to both the Buffs and Lady Buffs this weekend. The Lady Buffs have been taking their knocks in the early going. Just hope they put everything together and find the recipe for success.
We wish the same for “our” team across the mountain. The Lady Eagles have found a rhythm. The young men are struggling; hopefully they, like the Lady Buffs, can begin putting things together.
I know winning isn’t everything, but a win now and then is sure a boost to the morale of the athletes still struggling to find some success.
Never tell a young athlete, “Winning isn’t everything.”
His answer is sure to be, “Yeah, but it sure beats losing.”