Our favorite letters from 60 years ago
Dear Santa
Our favorite letters from 60 years ago
The following letters to Santa were written by elementary students way back in 1963. They appear exactly as written by the young students — no proofreader corrected the spelling then, and no proofreader corrected them now. That is part of the charm of these missives to St. Nick. Hopefully some of the youthful writers will remember if Santa filled their requests.
Dear Toy Bringer, I like the way you go Ho Ho Ho! i want Barbie clothes and Ken to. We have a christmas tree in our room. I hope I will get some toys too. Good-by now. Janet Davis
Dear Santa, I want a car. I would like the car to run. And I would like to see you. My name is Larry Dickinson
Dear Santa, How are you. I am fine are you fine. I want a Barbie doll. Do you have a Barbie doll. We have a Christmastree in our room. My name is Kathy Good
Dear Santa, Please bring me a bike a Vacuform and a sled and a Brick set and a basket Ball and a ball a bat and a mitt and a little bit of candy. from Glenn Lewis
Dear Santa Claus, When you come please do don’t wake me up and see the toys until I wake up the next morning. Please give me an electric train. Michael Laird
Dear Santa, May I have a watch and a Thinblena please. Will you give me a basket too? And a speedomer. Please choose for me. How are your reindeer? Merry Christmas. Pamela Kay Kimbro
Dear Santa, I want a BB gun for Christmas and that’s all, David Carrico
Dear Santa, I want an apron to help mom in the kitchen. and a star to put up in the tree. I like you very much and i will try to be a good girl, Nancy Anderson
Dear Santa, I am nine years old. My birthday is in October. The thing I want best for Christmas is a be be gun. I lik Tiger Joe too. How are your reindeer? Bill Hunt
Dear Santa Claus, I have been waiting a long time for Christmas to come. May I have a Chaty baby? Carol Neiman
Dear Santa Claus, I have tried to be a good boy this year. Please bring me a cowboy suit, a machine gun, a Roy Rogers guitar, Steven Thornberry
Dear Santa Claus, I hope you have a Merry Christmas. How are you doing and Mrs. Santa to Would you bring me a chemistry set. Jimmy Porter
Dear Santa, Christmas is coming soon so I would like you to send me a pair of new slepers with fur around them to keep my feet warm. I would also like a tiny thumbelana with a blue dress and white booteys with white bows. Love, Sandra Collingwood
Dear Santa Claus, I want one scrapbook, I want one Gun. I want one walky talky, George Hazen
Dear Santa, How are you. I want an easy weaver and a little Miss eckeo. I would like to see you Santa. I like the way you say Ho Ho Ho? Lynn Bullinger
Dear Santa, Iwould like a set of horse with men with it. That is all. Joe Feeley
Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a train and sleigh and a b-b gun and a football game and a baseball game and basketball game for Christmas. Denise Jeanne Kelly
Dear Santa Claus, I want a racecar set for Christmas and a basket for my bike and some gold paint and some tools to fix up my bike. Love, Terry Joseph W.
Dear Santa, I want sum army stuff and a cemistry set and I would like a robot. Jock Rech
Dear Santa Claus, I would like the Twin baby dolls Folding table and 4 chairs,Jack-in-the-box and a rocking chair. I would like a Ball and i would like a Sled. Thats all now. Good By until next Christmas, Alice Whaley
Dear Santa Claus, I want two models a sting ray ray and a mercury and more. P.S. My address is 408 6th Avenue North, Greybull Wyoming. My name is John Otterback
Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a buffalo hunter set and a machine gun. Merry Christmas, Michael Harthan
Dear Santa Claus, I would like one horse book and one mystery book. I think you are very nice. Candace Sanderson
Dear Santa, May I please have a little combat set And a buffalo hunter set. Love Gary Molaskey
Dear Santa Claus, Merry Christmas! Please bring me a Barbie dream house and sme barbie clothes. How are your reindeer? Dawn Anderson
Dear Santa, Would you please bring me a football suit. I wish you a merry christmas and Sabta please bring me a pair of sports socks. Thank you. Larry Shepard
Dear Santa, I help my mother at home. I try to be a good little girl. For Christmas I want a clarinet and a camera and a watch. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Minnie Galusha. Thank you Santa
Dear Santa Claus, I would like a barbie house. And. And thank you for the toys you gave me las year. Love from Susan Ellen Scharen
Dear Santa Claus, Will you sind me a modlecare fore Crismus. and That is all I wont fore chrismus and a airplane to santa claus that is all I wont for Crismus. Your friend, Donald Owen Williams
Dear Santa Claus, I would like a Puppstrina Doll for Christmas. I would like a Frosty snow Cone machine, too. Love, Charlotte Matthews