Rec Briefs

Flag football camp next week
Third, fourth and fifth graders interested in playing intramural football are invited to a three-day camp at the high school field Tuesday, Aug. 6 through Thursday, Aug. 8 from 8:30 to 10 a.m. The camp will focus on the fundamentals of the game.  No pads or no helmets, just fun.  Please plan on pre-registering by Aug. 5.  The fee is $5.  
For more information call: 765-9575 or email:

Sign up for Small Wonders
Bring your preschool age child (3-5 years) to the Herb Asp Community Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays to learn in a social environment with their peers.  
The fun of Messy Me, Bitsy Ball, and Music & Me are combined with numbers, letters and shapes in a new way.  Classes will be held from 9:30-11:00 a.m. and 1:30-3 p.m. through May if minimum numbers are met.  Please plan on pre-registering on or before Aug. 23.  The fee to participate is $30 a month.  Limited, need based, scholarships are available.  
For more information call: 765-9575 or email:

