Sheriff’s Report

May 13 — 7:59 a.m.: Deputies handled an accidental 911 call on Elm Avenue in Burlington.
8:00 a.m.: Crystal Rae Howell was arrested in Basin and charged to serve time sentenced.
10:00 a.m.: Deputies at Big Horn County Sheriff’s Office in Basin handled an open 911 call.
11:26 a.m.: On Medicine Lodge Street in Hyattville, deputies responded to an abandoned vehicle.
4:52 p.m.: Deputies handled a rapid 911 ping at BHCSO.
4:54 p.m.: Deputies at BHCSO responded to a lost dog.
5:18 p.m.: On North Sixth Street in Greybull, deputies investigated a suspicious individual at Lynn’s Supermarket. They advised the situation.
5:48 p.m.: Deputies initiated a traffic stop on Highway 20 South in Basin. A warning was issued.
6:01 p.m.: Deputies on Highway 20 South/Golf Course Road in Basin assisted Wyoming Highway Patrol.
6:39 p.m.: On Holdrege Avenue in Basin, deputies assisted community relations at Big Horn County Fairgrounds.
6:53 p.m.: Deputies assisted a motorist at Big Horn County Fairgrounds on Holdrege Avenue in Basin.
7:26 p.m.: Deputies on Highway 14/16/20 in Greybull initiated a traffic stop. A warning was issued.
9:41 p.m.: On North Main Street in Burlington, deputies investigated a REDDI report.
11:18 p.m.: Deputies initiated a traffic stop on South Fourth Street/Big Horn Avenue in Basin. A citation was issued.
May 14 — 9:08 a.m.: A donkey was out on Highway 20 South in Basin.
9:19 a.m.: Deputies at BHCSO assisted community relations on Law Day.
11:22 a.m.: At BHCSO, deputies handled a rapid 911 ping.
12:24 p.m.: Deputies initiated a business check at Overland Express Mart on North Fourth Street in Basin.
2:06 p.m.: Deputies on First Avenue South in Greybull were notified of an alarm malfunction at Greybull Recreation District.
5:26 p.m.: On Highway 20 South in Basin, deputies initiated a traffic stop at Wyoming Retirement Center. A warning was issued.
7:44 p.m.: Deputies initiated field contact at Family Dollar on North Sixth Street in Basin.
8:58 p.m.: Deputies on Fourth Avenue North in Greybull initiated a traffic stop. A citation was issued.
10:39 p.m.: On South Fourth Street/C Street in Basin, deputies initiated a traffic stop. A citation was issued.
May 15 — 12:18 p.m.: Deputies assisted another agency on Third Avenue North in Greybull.
12:30 p.m.: Deputies on Highway 14/16/20 in Greybull assisted another agency.
2:10 p.m.: On School Avenue in Burlington, deputies handled an accidental 911 call.
2:45 p.m.: Deputies initiated a business check at Maverik Country Store on North Sixth Street in Greybull.
3:34 p.m.: Deputies at BHCSO responded to a lost checkbook.
5:35 p.m.: At BHCSO, deputies assisted the general public.
May 16 — 10:28 a.m.: Deputies provided a funeral escort at First Baptist Church on Highway 30 in Basin.
4:18 p.m.: Deputies on Highway 20 South in Greybull initiated a traffic stop. A warning was issued.
4:36 p.m.: On Highway 14/Division Street in Greybull, deputies initiated a traffic stop. A warning was issued.
4:41 p.m.: Deputies initiated a traffic stop on Highway 14/16/20 in Greybull. A warning was issued.
4:50 p.m.: Deputies on South Sherman Avenue in Manderson initiated a traffic stop. A warning was issued.
5:26 p.m.: On Highway 20 South in Greybull, deputies initiated a traffic stop. A warning was issued.
6:20 p.m.: Deputies responded to an individual walking along Golf Course Road in Basin.
6:35 p.m.: Deputies on Highway 30 in Otto initiated a traffic stop. A citation was issued.
8:28 p.m.: On Torchlight Road in Basin, deputies handled a 911 hang up call.
8:52 p.m.: Deputies initiated a traffic stop on Highway 20. A warning was issued.
May 17 — 8:14 a.m.: Deputies on Lane 51 in Manderson handled a rapid 911 ping.
3:16 p.m.: On Highway 14 in Greybull, deputies responded to a downed power pole with live wires.
4:43 p.m.: Deputies investigated a REDDI report on Highway 14/16/20 in Emblem.
5:01 p.m.: Deputies on Road 5.5 in Burlington responded to a civil matter.
5:25 p.m.: On First Avenue North in Greybull, deputies assisted Greybull PD.
9:36 p.m.: Deputies responded to a traffic complaint about a tractor with no lights on Highway 30 in Otto.
10:29 p.m.: Deputies on Highway 14 in Shell handled a 911 hang-up call.
10:50 p.m.: On Highway 14 in Greybull, deputies assisted a motorist.
May 18 — 1:06 p.m.: Deputies initiated a traffic stop on Highway 14 in Greybull. A warning was issued.
9:30 p.m.: Deputies on North Main Street in Burlington provided an escort for the track team.
9:53 p.m.: On C Street in Basin, deputies initiated a traffic stop. A warning was issued.
10:58 p.m.: Deputies assisted a motorist at Big Horn Co-op on South Sixth Street in Greybull.
May 19 — 9:58 a.m.: Deputies at BHCSO assisted an individual with questions regarding a title. Information was given.
12:47 p.m.: On Highway 14 in Shell, deputies responded to a vehicular accident with a deer.
1:22 p.m.: Deputies assisted the general public on South Fifth Street in Basin.
