Too much gloom and doom in the news
I was sorry to see the NCAA tournaments conclude. Seems like the news has been nothing but gloom and doom ever since. There are no channels that let you relax and laugh a bit.
I am going to have to get into major league baseball. John had the Yankees on, it seemed like every night, and son #4 always watches the Dodgers, but I usually wait until the World Series. Something has got to change.
Between the endless court battles, the bad news on the “wars that aren’t wars” in the middle east the crisis at the border, there just isn’t any stop to the gloom and doom.
I won’t argue politics, but something has got to give.
For years I have been under the impression, always believed, that when immigrants came to this country, went through the legal process, and became American citizens, they pledged an allegiance to our country and our Constitution. That didn’t mean they couldn’t disagree, but the “Death to America” chants allowed--right in the White House--are chilling, and should be chilling to everyone.
And the 10-year-old girl who wanted to start a “Faith Club” in her school, which already had a “Satan Club,” was denied that right. The young student who wore a shirt with an American Flag on it was told that was a no-no. It upset some of the other students in the class. This can’t be happening in America, I tell myself. But it is.
The “good old days” weren’t always that good, but at least we didn’t have all the rancor and animosity. Of course, we didn’t have social media. Way back then, there was the radio. Period. We had the 5 o’clock news, Paul Harvey around noon and the 9 o’clock news.
The good news is there was a track meet in Dayton, and it was a beautiful, (almost) windless day. Grandkids did good, and it all went smoothly and flawlessly. The meet got over much earlier than we thought it would.
Another one in Sheridan this Saturday. I know it won’t be the same, as you will have the big, big schools there and almost too many flights to count in the field events. If the weather holds, I can sit in my designated lawn chair and be comfortable and warm.