This Week in Big Horn County

Police Report

Sept. 30 — 7:26 a.m.: Officers patrolled the school zone.

10:04 a.m.: Officers assisted another agency.

10:07 a.m.: Accidental property damage was reported on North Sixth Street.

10:50 a.m.: Officers assisted the general public.

3:46 p.m.: Officers initiated a traffic stop. A warning was issued.

4:26 p.m.: Officers initiated a traffic stop. A warning was issued.

5:48 p.m.: An open 9-1-1 call was received.

7:10 p.m.: Barking dogs were reported on Sixth Avenue North.

7:22 p.m.: Officers participated in community relations.

Oct. 1 — 1:00 a.m.: Officers performed an additional patrol.

7:34 a.m.: Officers patrolled the school zone.

4:59 p.m.: A resident reported a dog being chased by children on Third Avenue North.

6:58 p.m.: On Second Avenue North, dogs were reportedly at large.

Oct. 2 — 1:28 a.m.: Officers performed an additional patrol.

2:55 a.m.: Officers performed an additional patrol.

4:06 a.m.: Officers initiated a traffic stop. A citation was issued.

7:36 a.m.: Officers patrolled the school zone.

9:47 a.m.: A dog was reportedly locked in a garage.

10:00 a.m.: Excessive dog barking was reported on Fourth Avenue North.

10:28 a.m.: Officers initiated a traffic stop. A warning was issued.

12:54 p.m.: A problem involving an animal was reported on Fourth Avenue North.

3:38 p.m.: A suspicious person was reported to police.

Oct. 3 — 7:20 a.m.: Officers patrolled the school zone.

8:47 p.m.: A suspicious person was reported to police.

10:09 a.m.: A dog was reportedly at-large on North Second Street.

10:17 a.m.: Two dogs were also reportedly at-large on Second Avenue North.

10:28 a.m.: A member of the public requested to speak with the Chief of Police.

2:38 p.m.: An ordinance violation was reported.

5:40 p.m.: Officers participated in community relations.

6:30 p.m.: A suspicious person was reported.

7:09 p.m.: A suspicious person was reported, again.

9:34 p.m.: A traffic complaint was made concerning a semi-truck with no working tail lights.

8:40 p.m.: A blocked driveway was reported on North Fifth Street.

8:44 p.m.: Officers assisted another agency.

Oct. 4 — 7:29 a.m.: Officers patrolled the school zone.

12:21 p.m.: A suspicious person was reported.

2:32 p.m.: Officers assisted the general public.

9:08 p.m.: Officers assisted another agency.

9:22 p.m.: A bar check was performed on Greybull Avenue.

11:30 p.m.: A business check was performed in Greybull.

Oct. 5 — 12:50 a.m.: Officers performed an additional patrol.

3:03 a.m.: Officers assisted another agency.

11:28 a.m.: A traffic complaint was submitted to police on Highway 30.

1:12 p.m.: Officers participated in community relations. 

9:02 p.m.: Officers responded to a fight at a bar on Greybull Avenue.

10:06 p.m.: A suspicious vehicle was reported on Shutte Drive.

Oct. 6 — 12:28 a.m.: Officers performed an additional patrol.

3:07 a.m.: Officers performed an additional patrol.

7:10 p.m.: Officers responded to a civil matter on North Fifth Street.

8:12 p.m.: Lost dogs were reported on South Second Street.

8:12 p.m.: Stray dogs were found on North Second Street.

8:22 p.m.: Officers responded to a custody dispute. 

Sheriff’s Report

Sept. 30 — 2:03 p.m.: A scam was reported in Basin.

3:08 p.m.: Press releases were issued by the Big Horn County Sheriff’s Office (BHCSO) in Basin.

8:08 p.m.: An accident involving a vehicle and a deer occurred in Burlington.

Oct. 1 —7:28 p.m.: Deputies were notified of cattle being driven across Highway 20 in Manderson.

10.:22 a.m.: Possibly missing persons were reported in Basin.

11:13 a.m.: A VIN inspection occurred in Burlington.

12:14 p.m.: Dogs were attacking sheep in Greybull.

1:13 p.m.: A VIN inspection occurred in Hyattville.

1:30 p.m.: Deputies received a traffic complaint in Emblem.

5:17 p.m.: An accidental 9-1-1 was received in Greybull.

8:55 p.m.: An accidental 9-1-1 was received in Shell.

Oct. 2 — 10:20 a.m.: A VIN inspection occurred in Basin.

10:52 a.m.: Deputies assisted the general public.

12:24 p.m.: A VIN inspection occurred in Basin.

1:03 p.m.: Information was provided to deputies in Basin.

3:10 p.m.: An emergency SOS signal was received from a Garmin device.

3:35 p.m.: Deputies received a traffic complaint in Basin.

Oct. 3 — 11:31 a.m.: Deputies assisted the general public.

12:05 pm.: A VIN inspection occurred in Basin.

2:35 p.m.: A suspicious person was reported in Shell.

6:05 p.m.: Deputies initiated a traffic stop in Greybull. A warning was issued.

6:48 p.m.: Deputies assisted another agency in Shell.

8:58 p.m.: A suspicious vehicle was reported in Basin.

Oct. 4 — 1:24 a.m.: Deputies conducted a business check in Greybull.

2:28 p.m.: A 9-1-1 hangup was received in Basin.

3:22 p.m.: A fire was reported near Burlington.

4:57 p.m.: Deputies were advised of threats made by a party outside Big Horn County.

8:16 p.m.: Deputies assisted a motorist driving a van with out-of-date registration.

8:26 p.m.: Deputies performed an additional patrol in Greybull.

8:50 p.m.: Deputies initiated a traffic stop in Greybull. A warning was issued.

9:04 p.m.: Deputies initiated a traffic stop in Greybull. A warning was issued.

11:44 p.m.: Deputies conducted a business check in Greybull.

Oct. 5 — 12:05 a.m.: A suspicious person was reported in Basin.

3:03 a.m.: Deputies initiated a traffic stop in Greybull. A warning was issued.

8:40 a.m.: An accidental 9-1-1 was received in Burlington.

9:58 a.m.: An accidental 9-1-1 was received in Basin.

10:49 a.m.: Deputies issued information regarding highway closures in the Bighorn National Forest along Highway 14.

12:46 p.m.: Additional information on road closures was issued by the BHCSO.

12:59 p.m.: Information regarding the burn ban was requested by a resident of Manderson.

3:24 p.m.: Deputies received a citizen complaint regarding the Highway 14 closure.

4:16 p.m.: Harassment was reported in Basin.

5:43 p.m.: Deputies participated in community relations in Shell.

9:02 p.m.: Deputies assisted another agency.

9:14 p.m.: The owner of a broken down vehicle advised deputies of its location in Shell.

9:27 p.m.: A heater exploded in Greybull.

10:16 p.m.: Deputies initiated activity in Basin.

Oct. 6 — 8:29 a.m.: A black calf was on the road in Burlington.

9:04 a.m.: Deputies assisted the general public.

10:07 a.m.: A 9-1-1 hangup was received in Basin.

8:27 p.m.: Child custody issues were reported in Basin.

Circuit Court

Krystal L. Hillman, Joilet, Mont., DUI alcohol equal to or greater than .08% within two hours of driving - first offense within 10 years, jail: 90 days, suspended: 87 days, unsupervised probation: 6 months, $620; invalid driver’s license, $150.

Gabriel Kampman, Manderson, theft: deprive - $1,000 or more or firearm/livestock regardless of value, interfere with peace officer, breach of peace, all counts bound over.

Gavin Langston, Powell, driver no seat belt, $25.

Speeding in a 70 mph zone:

Preston Phillips, Riverton, $115

Eduardo Mendoza Loya, Powell, $97

Jaylyn M. Freeze, Casper, $125

Michael Naka, Littleton, Mass., $103

Jose G. Rodriguez Chavez, Lovell, $130

Jo Anderson, Greybull, $105

Quincee Vogel, Powell, $115

Heriberto Rios Garcia, Santa Fe, N.M., $103

Speeding in a superintendent’s zone:

Seth Harvey, Lovell, $135

S K Aseempal, Nutley, N.J., heavy vehicle (greater than 39,000 pounds), $476.

Speeding in a 30 mph zone:

Roman Serdechnyi, Keizer, Ore., heavy vehicle (greater than 39,000 pounds), $576.

Sylvester, Traylor, Powell, $240

Oleksandr Tavlui, Jacksonville, Fla., $181
