What to the demographics of protesters have to do with it?
Dear editor:
Cathy Kunkel’s letter really made me see red. In the first place, all Marlys said was that it was just awful that people are shouting “Death to America” in Washington DC. She’s absolutely correct. It is horrible, although it is their right.
But what the heck do the demographics of the Jan 6 protesters (not insurrectionists) have to do with it? As Mrs. Kunkel said, they were a cross section of patriotic Americans. They were exercising their rights. The whole thing was staged to make it more than it was, by Nancy Pelosi and then Liz Cheney and the democratic clowns, cancelling the National Guard, shooting an unarmed veteran, rabble rousing by Ray Epps (a federal agitator) and destroying the lives of hundreds of good patriotic Americans.
Keep it up, Marlys. I love your columns.
Julie Owens